iDISPLA Challenge Winners Announced

iDISPLA (Innovative Discovery Science Platform), Army C5ISR Center Night Vision and Electronic Sensor Directorate (NVESD) and The Greer Institute for Leadership and Innovation (Greer Institute) announced the winners of the recent University Adversarial Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) Challenge. 

The winners are:

1st Place – University of Virginia 

2nd Place – Pennsylvania State University 

3rd Place – Bowie State University

University students from around the country were invited to participate in the challenge which was focused on leveling the digital imagery playing field by developing technologies for the automated assessment of the integrity of an image or video and integrating these in an end-to-end media forensics platform. Eight universities participated and were challenged to devise a method of detecting the manipulation of digital media or “deep fakes” and provide suggested ways of reducing the risk of such manipulation in the future. The other participating university teams included Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia State University, University of California Davis, Old Dominion University and University of Florida.

Read the full press release here: